Article 16 – Evaluations
The District passed its Counterproposal #1 to us on January 24, 2020, which is posted on our website. Notice that the counterproposal does not cover the entire article, but instead is only the first two pages. We agreed at the table that moving forward we would work on this Article in sections, come to a provisional agreement for each section, and move on to the next section.
This means that both sides will negotiate (changing the font color to green = agreement), until the entire section is green, then move on to the next section. This process will take place with the understanding documented at the table, that if either side encounters language later in the Article that contradicts agreed (green) language in a previous section, that we reserve the right to go back and make changes. Once the entire Article is agreed (green), then we will be in a position to write a Tentative Agreement.
We have drafted our counterproposal for this section, as directed by the Executive Board, and expect to pass it to the District at our Feb 14 meeting.
Article 13 – Lecture/Lab/Clinical Parity
The negotiations teams are following up with faculty to ask some additional questions, in order to finalize the research that the lec/lab/clinical parity committee conducted. Once the teams have this information, then SBCCDTA will be prepared to write the initial proposal to the District.
For Fall 2020 scheduling: We recommend that the current calculations be used for scheduling lab and clinical load. If we are successful at gaining parity, then lab or clinical classes may be re-staffed or faculty may have an overload.
Preparation for Online Instructors
We have arranged a joint workgroup meeting to take place in February with the DE Faculty leads and administrators from both campuses, the District, and the Union. We need to assess the information about the colleges’ DE plans so that we can evaluate how that coincides with faculty workload.
Honors Courses
We have scheduled two sessions, one at each campus, to meet with Honors faculty. The purpose is to assess how much extra work is associated with teaching an Honors course and/or participating in the Honors program as an Honors faculty member.
Mon, Feb 10: CHC 2:00 – 3:30 (room TBA)
Tue, Feb 11: SBVC 3:30 – 5:00 (room TBA)