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I. Name and Location

The official chapter name shall be the San Bernardino Community College District Teachers’ Association/CCA/CTA/NEA, in San Bernardino County.


II. Purposes

The primary goals of this Association shall be:

A.     To represent members of the District faculty in their relations with their employer, and to be the exclusive representative of the faculty in all matters relating to employment conditions and employer-employee relations including, but not limited to, wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment;

B.     To form a representative body capable of developing group opinion on professional matters to speak with authority for the faculty;

C.     To provide an opportunity for continuous study and action on issues and problems of the profession;

D.     To provide a means of representation for its ethnic-minority members

E.     To promote professional attitudes and ethical conduct among faculty members;

F.     To encourage cooperation and communication between the faculty and the various college constituencies;

G.     To foster good fellowship among the faculty


III. Affiliation

The Association shall be:

A.     An affiliated chapter of the Inland Empire UniServ;

B.     An affiliated chapter of the Community College Association (CCA);

C.     A chartered chapter of the California Teachers Association (CTA) and member of the CTA Region IV San Gorgonio Service Center Council;

D.     An affiliate local chapter of the National Education Association (NEA).


IV. Membership 

A.     Statuses:

1.     The primary category of membership shall be Active members.

a.   Active membership shall be open to any person who is engaged in or who is on limited leave of absence from professional educational work (eg: instructor, librarian, counselor) as a regular, contract, full-time temporary, and/or part-time (contingent/adjunct) employee of the San Bernardino Community College District, and whose primary assignment is such as not to hold evaluative responsibility over other employees to such an extent as not to be represented in the negotiations process by the bargaining unit.

b.     All Active Members shall be eligible to vote in all elections, hold elective office or appointive position, receive special services, obtain assistance in the protection of professional and civil rights, and receive reports and publications of the Association.

2.     Non-member/Agency Fee Payer: Non-members shall be assessed a representative fee and shall not be eligible for Active Member entitlements, other than those provided by Unless otherwise expressly provided by law, persons who tender agency fees shall have no rights or privileges within this Association.

3.     Associate Membership: Administration and management personnel, may elect to pay CTA/NEA dues to become Associate Members. Associate members shall not be eligible for Active Member entitlements, as stipulated in number 1 above.

B.     Membership may be granted upon initiation of payroll deduction or upon payment of annual dues appropriate for the member’s membership status.

C.     The right to vote and to hold elective office or appointive position within the Association shall be limited to Active members.

D.     The membership year shall be that period of time from September 1 of any given calendar year through August 31 of the following calendar year, inclusive.

E.     Active members shall adhere to The Code of Ethics of the Education Profession as its provisions apply to community college faculty.

F.     The rights and privileges of membership shall not be abridged in any way because of age, sex, race, color, ethnic identity, national origin, marital status, disability, or sexual orientation.

G.     No member of the Association may be disciplined by the chapter without a due process hearing, which shall include an appellate procedure. Due process includes the right to select representation, to present evidence on his/her behalf, to confront and cross-examine his/her accuser and any other witnesses against him/her, and to examine and refute all evidence considered by the hearing panel, whether or not such evidence is presented at a hearing. The member has the right to appeal the decision of the hearing panel to the governing body.


V. Dues, Fees, and Assessments

A.     The basic annual chapter dues level for Active Members, and representation fee for non- members represented in the bargaining unit, shall be sufficient to cover normal operating expenses of the Association, the dues of CCA, the dues of CTA, and the dues of NEA.

B.     The Association’s portion of the basic annual dues, and the representation fee for non-members, shall be established by action of the active membership of the Association at the last regular meeting of the school year.

C.     The Association shall apportion any negotiated representation fee on the same percentage basis as the full Association/CCA/CTA/NEA dues.

D.     Local dues and the representation fee shall be determined by May 1 of each year. Any change in local dues and fees, and the assessment of special levies, must be submitted by the Executive Committee to a vote by the general membership. Approval shall be by a simple majority of the votes cast.

E.     Annual dues/fee may be paid in full by cash payment within thirty days of the starting date of the academic year, or in ten monthly installments by payroll deduction.

F.     Active members who are on leave at reduced pay may keep their membership active by paying adjunct dues on a tenthly basis for the duration of their leave.

G.     Membership shall be continuous after initial enrollment until delinquent or until a change in professional status shall make the member ineligible for membership. If by October 31 of any academic year a full-time member has neither paid the annual membership dues for the current year nor made arrangements for payroll deduction, then that person’s active membership shall be considered delinquent and his/her name shall be dropped from the rolls.



VI. Policy-Making Body & Meetings of the General Membership

A.     The policy-making body of this Association shall consist of the Active members of the Association.

B.     The budget of the Association shall be adopted by the Active membership at the first regular meeting of the academic year.

C.     Grievance procedures shall be approved by the Active membership

D.     There shall be at least one general membership meeting per semester; the time and place of such meetings to be decided by the Executive Board.

E.     Meetings of the Association may be called by the President, three members of the Executive Board, or by written petition of twenty percent (20%) of the membership.

F.     Notices of the Association meetings including date, place, time, and purpose of the meetings shall be made via email or print form to all members of the Association at least three days before the meeting to enable part-time faculty notification.

G.     For emergency meetings during crisis situations, the Executive Board shall adopt procedures to notify members of the meeting dates, places, and times.

H.     General Membership meetings may be held in an electronic format, such as a webinar, only for the purpose of dispensing information to members, provided that all bargaining unit members are invited to be a part of the webinar with the ability to ask questions and hear all responses. Voting on action items during a webinar is strictly prohibited.

I.     Special meetings of the Association shall be called by the President or by petition containing the signatures of twenty percent (20%) of the Active membership for a specific purpose and no business other than that for which the meeting is called may be transacted; notification of the Active members shall be done in accordance with the procedure in VI.D.

J.     Quorum for general membership meetings of the Association shall be equal to the number of members on the Executive Board plus five additional members.

K.     The Executive Board shall meet prior to each regular meeting of the Association and at such other times, as the President may deem necessary, or upon written petition of a majority of the members of the Executive Board, to conduct the business of the Association between meetings of the Active members of the Association.


VII. Executive Board

A.     The Executive Board shall consist of the following positions:

1.     The District-wide President, a First Vice-President (who shall be at the alternate college from the President), a Second Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, elected at large;

2.     College officers and representatives elected by college campus,

a.     One Vice President from each college campus,

b.     Two full-time faculty Representatives from each college campus,

c.     One part-time (contingent) faculty Representative from each college campus;

3.     Non-Voting, ex-officio Members of the Executive Board:

a.     One Grievance Chairperson from each college campus, nominated by the President and appointed by the Executive Board;

b.     The Immediate Past President (one year only) if willing to serve;

c.     The Negotiating Team Chairperson or designee from the Negotiating Team;.

d.     Any member of the Association who is serving as an elected officer or board member of CCA, CTA, and/or NEA.

4.    All elections shall be by open nomination and secret ballot.

5.     The Executive Board shall adhere to the one person—one vote policy in that the vote of each member of the Executive Board shall carry equal weight.


1.     All members of the Executive Board shall be and remain Active members as a condition for nomination to and service in this position.

2.     Members of the Board shall be nominated by and elected from the Active membership of the Association by open nominations and secret ballot.

3.     Members of the Executive Board shall serve a term of two years; new terms begin on July 1st.

4.     A vacancy shall be deemed to exist in the case of death, resignation, or inability to serve in any of the offices of the Association.

a.     In the event a vacancy occurs in the office of the President, the First Vice-President shall assume the office; if the First Vice-President does not fill the position, the Second Vice-President shall fill the vacancy.

b.     The Second Vice Presidents shall become the First Vice President, leaving the Second Vice President a vacancy and a special election shall be held to fill the position.

c.     In the event a vacancy occurs in the other offices, a special election of the Association shall be called to elect a successor.

5.     The chapter shall follow the CTA Requirements for Chapter Election Procedures published annually with the CTA Elections Manual.


1.     The Executive Board shall:

a.     Coordinate the activities of the Association and foster transparency through open communication within the Association;

b.     Regularly inform the membership of the Board’s actions;

c.     Set dues for the Association and levy special assessments, as needed;

d.     Approve the annual budget of the Association no later than the first regular Board meeting of the academic year and present a tentative budget to the Association membership during the Fall semester;

e.     Direct the bargaining activities of the Association, with consideration/input from the Active membership, subject to the policies established by the Active membership;;.

f.     Discuss and approve by majority vote all nominations to all committees, including chairs;

g.     Approve by majority vote grievance procedures;

h.     Direct and act upon the grievance activities of the Association;

i.     Make recommendations to be acted upon by the membership and provide pro-con statements and vote split of the Board;

j.     Report its actions and the status of Association matters to the membership at-least biannually.

k.     Hold regular monthly Board meetings during the academic year and as needed during the summer months

l.     Hold a summer Board Planning Session for the purpose of planning, training, and other work as determined by the board

m.     Carry out the day-to-day business of the Association;

n.     Call meetings of the general membership;

o.     Provide opportunities for professional leadership training to association executive board, committee chairs, and interested members;

p.     Adopt the local Standing Rules for the Association;

q.     Exercise all the business and organizational powers and duties for the Association as prescribed by law and these bylaws, subject to any restrictions that may be imposed by the Active members of the Association.

6.     Quorum for meetings of the Executive Board shall be a majority of the Executive Board.

7.     Notices and agendas for all meetings of the Executive Board shall be sent to all members of the Board at least three days prior to the meeting date.

8.     The number, place and time of meetings are to be decided by the Executive Board.

D.     PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY: Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, latest edition, shall be followed at all meetings of the Association and those of the Executive Board.


VIII. Terms and Duties of Officers and Board Members

A.     TERMS

1.     The terms of Officers shall alternate with the representatives, so that, unless unusual circumstances dictate otherwise, representatives will be elected in odd numbered years, and Officers will be elected in even numbered years.

2.     Unless unusual circumstances dictate otherwise, all terms shall begin on July 1st.

3.     Officers are limited to two consecutive terms at a time; a minimum of one year must transpire before a member can run for the last position served.

B.     The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Association and its policy leader. The President shall:

1.     Call meetings of the Association and the Executive Board;

2.     Preside at all meetings of the Association and Executive Board;

3.     Prepare the agendas for all meetings of the Board and the membership;

4.     Be the official spokesperson for the Association;

5.     Be familiar with the governance documents of the Association, CCA, CTA and NEA, the Colleges and the District;

6.     Propose procedures for grievances processing for ratification by the Executive Board and the Active membership of the Association;

7.     Suggest policies, plans, and activities for the association and be held responsible for the progress and work of the Association;

8.     Nominate all chairpersons and members of committees, and of the bargaining team, with the approval of the Executive Board;

9.     Attend or send a designee to meetings of the Service Center Council of which the Association is a part;

10.   Attend other CCA/CTA/NEA meetings as directed by the Executive Board or membership;

11.   Serve as the primary SBCCDTA representative, or appoint a designee, to all conferences and councils of the Community College Association (CCA).

12.   In the event of her/his absence, designate one of the vice-presidents to chair meetings of the Executive Board; if the president is unable to designate, then the Executive Board shall choose which VP will chair the meeting(s) in the president’s absence;

13.   Oversee the operations of the Association office and staff

C.     The First Vice-President shall:

1.     Serve as assistant to the President in all of his/her duties;

2.     Assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President;

3.     Coordinate all Association activities on his/her respective campus/college with the other members of the Executive Board, particularly the representatives at his/her respective campus/college;

4.     Attend, or send a designee, to the regular meetings of the campus Academic Senates as liaison for the Association and present a report to the Executive Board;

5.     Serve as co-chairperson of the Association Membership Committee; Be responsible for the formation and distribution of the association’s calendar of activities.

D.     The Second Vice-President shall:

1.     Serve as assistant to the President in all of his/her duties;

2.     Assume the duties of the first Vice President in the absence of the President;

3.     Coordinate all Association activities on his/her respective campus/college with the other members of the Executive Board, particularly the representatives at his/her respective campus/college;

4.     Attend, or send a designee, to the regular meetings of the campus Academic Senates as liaison for the Association and present a report to the Executive Board;

5.     Serve as co-chairperson of the Association Membership Committee; Be responsible for the formation and distribution of the association’s calendar of activities.

E.     The Secretary shall:

1.     Keep a careful and accurate record of the proceedings of each regular or special Association meeting and of the Executive Board;

a.     Minutes shall include date and place of meeting and time convened;

b.     Minutes shall be kept in perpetuity;

2.     Maintain an accurate roster of and address label files for membership of the Association;

3.     Carry on the correspondence pertaining to the affairs of the Association; and

4.     If the Secretary is unable to attend a meeting, he/she will arrange a substitute and coordinate with the President.

F.     The Treasurer shall:

1.     Receive all funds belonging to the Association and be responsible for their safekeeping and accounting;

2.     Pay out such funds upon orders of the President;

3.     Disburse PAC funds upon authorization of the Executive Board;

4.     Keep an itemized account of receipts and expenditures;

5.     Cosign with the President or other designated cosigners all checks drawn on Association accounts;

6.     Provide a written report on the financial status (a budget) of the Association at each regularly scheduled Executive Board meeting and Association meeting;

7.     Submit information and financial reports to the chapter, CCA, CTA, NEA and other agencies as required by law; and

8.     Conduct or coordinate an annual audit of the books of the Association and distribute a summary of this audit to the Be responsible for submitting membership and financial reports to CTA, NEA, and other agencies as required by law.

9.     Coordinate all appropriate accounting procedures with the PAC Treasurer.

G.     The Representatives shall:

1.     Serve as the central contact for his/her constituents and act as liaison for members to the Executive Board;

2.     Provide information and serve as a resource for members of his/her constituency in the spirit of maintaining transparency through open communication with all members and the Executive Board and the members of the Association;

3.     Work in conjunction with the District-wide President and/or appropriate vice president on publicity;

4.     Encourage membership in the Association and serve on the Membership committee at his/her respective campus/college.

H.     Attendance— Voting Executive Board Members shall:

1.     Attend all meetings of the Executive Board;

2.     Communicate regularly with her/his constituencies and represent the views of that constituency;

3.     Serve on one or more Association committees;

4.     Represent the views and input of the general membership of SBCCDTA as delegates and/or participants at CCA State Councils;

5.     Assume such duties as assigned by the Executive


1.     A member of the Executive Board shall be considered excused from the regular meetings because of personal illness of a family member, bereavement, legal responsibilities, or personal necessity of an emergency nature;

2.     In case of two (2) unexcused (no show) absences from regularly scheduled meetings during the academic year, the Executive Board shall declare the seat of that member vacant and an interim may be appointed until an election shall be called to fill the vacancy in accordance with the

3.     A vacancy shall be deemed to exist in the case of death, resignation, or inability to serve in any of the offices of the Association.

a.     In the event of a vacancy in any elective office on the Board within the first year of the term, a special election shall be held to elect a successor to fill the unexpired term; in the event of a fall election, the newly elected person shall take office at the beginning of the spring semester.

b.     If the vacancy should occur during the second year in any elective office other than President, the President shall nominate an interim to fill the unexpired term, subject to the approval of the Executive Board.

c.     In the case of a President who is unable to complete the term of office, the Executive Board shall choose, by majority vote, one of the two Vice Presidents to complete the

4.     Any special election to fill a vacancy shall be conducted by the Elections Committee and shall be held in accordance with the CTA Elections Manual.

5.     RECALL:

a.     An Association officer or representative shall be subject to a recall election upon the presentation to the SBCCDTA Executive Board of a petition bearing the signatures of 30 percent of the members who are represented by that officer or representative.

b.     All recalls shall follow the CCA Elections Manual for recalls.


IX. Elections

A.     The chapter president must provide all Active members an opportunity to vote. Chapter presidents do not have the option of deciding that such elections shall not be held.

B.     The chapter shall follow the CTA Requirements for Chapter Election Procedures published annually with the CTA Elections Manual.


1.    The chapter president must ensure that all elections are held within appropriate and timely timelines and must provide Active members an opportunity to vote in all

2.     Elections shall be conducted with:

a.     Open nomination procedure;

b.     Secret ballot;

c.     All Active member votes;

d.     Record of voters receiving or casting ballots; and

e.     Majority vote, unless otherwise specified.

D.     NEA Local Delegate elections shall be conducted in accordance with CTA/NEA guidelines.


X. Committees and Task Forces

A.     The Association shall maintain the following as standing committees: Elections, Negotiations, Membership, and Outreach; subcommittees or ad hoc committees may be established temporarily by committees in consultation with the president.

B.     Committees, except as otherwise provided in these bylaws, shall be established and discontinued by the Executive Board, subject to approval by the general Active membership.

C.     Each committee shall have a minimum of five people in addition to the chair; whenever possible, the committee shall be a balanced representation of the colleges, full-time/part-time status, teaching faculty/librarians/ counselors, and academic/vocational education faculty;

D.     Committee Chairpersons and committee members shall be nominated by the president and approved by the Executive Board. Removal of chairpersons and/or committee members must be approved by majority vote of the Executive Board.

E.    Each committee shall provide monthly reports to the Board at the regularly scheduled Board meeting.


1.     An Elections Committee shall be appointed at the beginning of each academic year.

2.     The Chair shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Board; a co-chair shall be appointed as needed;

3.     The chair shall

a.     Coordinate training for the committee with the president and CTA staff;

b.     Ensure that all CTA policies are being followed according to the CTA Elections Manual, or if it is mute on an issue, the CCA Elections Manual;

c.     Ensure the secure handling of all ballots, ballot boxes, and other elections materials;

d.     Certify, with the committee members, the election results, complete the Teller’s Report using the CTA or CCA template, and convey the results to the Association president and secretary;

e.     Ensure the Teller’s Report is posted in the appropriate places.

4.     The Committee shall be composed of at least three (3) members who are not on the Executive Board and who are not seeking election.

5.     CHARGE: The Committee ensures that elections are conducted in a fair and impartial manner in accordance with CTA Elections Manual guidelines

6.     The duties of the Elections Committee shall be to:

a.     Ensure that all Association/CTA/NEA election codes and timelines are followed;

b.     Establish and publish election timelines;

c.     Develop and carry out timelines and procedures;

d.     Prepare ballots for election of officers and such other elections as may be necessary;

e.     Count the ballots and certify the results; and

f.     Handle initial challenges.

7.     The calendar for the election shall be established by the Elections Committee and all elections shall be conducted in accordance with the CTA Elections Manual.

8.     Elections shall be completed no later than May 1st.

9.     All elections shall be conducted by secret ballot. A plurality of votes cast shall constitute election.

10.   The Elections Committee will prepare two ballots for each election: one for SBVC and another for CHC.

11.   Any Association member who is a candidate on the ballot or whose immediate family member is a candidate shall not serve on the Election Committee for that academic year.


1.     The bargaining committee shall provide support for the Bargaining Team in preparation, research, and the development of proposed language.

2.     All members of the Bargaining Committee shall receive bargaining training from appropriate CTA NODD staff prior to or during their first year on the committee with appropriate follow-up training as determined by the Executive Board;

3.     The chapter shall pay expenses for all members of the Bargaining Committee to attend the annual CTA UCLA Summer Institute bargaining strands;


a.     Responsibility and authority for directing the bargaining process on behalf of the Association are vested in the Executive Board subject to policies established by the active membership.

b.     The Bargaining Team is empowered to reach tentative agreements with the district. Such agreements shall be considered tentative and not binding upon the Association until such agreements have been ratified by the membership in the appropriate unit(s) unless such ratification shall have been specifically waived or otherwise delegated by that active membership.

c.     Any Active member may become a member of the Negotiating Team

d.     The Negotiating Team and such alternates as the Executive Board deems necessary shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Board.

1)     Members must have previously served on the Bargaining Committee;

2)     Exceptions shall be made on an individual basis based on the member’s experience, including service on other chapters’ negotiating teams;

3)     All exceptions must be approved by the Executive Board;

e.     Regular and alternate members of the Negotiating Team shall attend or have attended one of the following:

1)     the CTA UCLA Summer Institute Advanced Bargaining strand;

2)     the CCA Bargaining Academy;

3)     the CCA Building Strong Locals Academy;

4)     or another training as approved by the executive board

f.     Regular and alternate members of the Negotiating Team shall also have attended one internal orientation workshop on bargaining prior to, or during, their first year.

g.     The chair shall be nominated by the president and appointed by the Executive Board.

1)     The chair shall

a)    Act as the spokesperson for and lead of the negotiating team;

b)     Schedule bargaining times with the District;

c)     Ensure all negotiating team members are fully informed of the procedures to be followed;

d)     Act as the primary liaison with the chapter president and Executive Board;

e)     Prepare sunset letters, proposals, reports, and updates to the Executive Board and members;

f)     Ensure, along with the chapter president, the confidentiality of the negotiation process in accordance with PERB and EERA regulations;

h.     Vacancies created by resignation or inability to serve shall be filled by the Executive Board from the list of alternates.

i.     The Executive Board, by two-thirds (2/3) majority, may remove a member of the Negotiating Team.

j.     The duties of the Negotiating Team are to represent and to bargain for the bargaining unit.

k.     Employees in the bargaining unit shall be surveyed to determine contents of the proposed contract demands, and the results shall be reported to the Association membership.

l.     The Negotiating Team shall report its activities to the Executive Board in such form and with such frequency as the Executive Board require.

m.     The Chairperson, in consultation with the Executive Board, shall disseminate information regarding bargaining and the activities of the Negotiating Team to the general membership.

n.     Agreements reached between the Negotiating Team and the San Bernardino Community College District shall be considered tentative and not binding upon the Association until such agreements have been ratified by the membership.

o.     As directed by the Executive Board, the president shall be the primary signatory on the contract and all Side Letters and MOUs.


The Political Action committee (PAC) shall:

1.     Propose strategies to support candidates and policies that will further the interests of the Association;

2.     Outreach to members and executive board for participation in election activities;

3.     Propose the expenditure of PAC funds in furtherance of the interests of the Association;

4.     Act as a liaison to other political entities, including CCA, CTA, and NEA, at the discretion of the Executive Board;

5.     Be responsible for the creation and/or dissemination of political materials to the membership, the public, and the media, under the direction of the Executive


The Membership Committee, co-chaired by the Chapter Vice Presidents, shall

1.     Maintain membership lists; audit CTA and District membership lists

2.     Process applications

3.     promote membership benefits and recruit new and agency fee conversion members;

4.     Publish & disseminate a newsletter, flyers, leaflets, and other membership materials;

5.     Organize chapter membership activities to advocate for faculty issues;

6.     Conduct and coordinate chapter outreach to student, classified staff, and community organizations in support of mutual

7.     Chapter Website and Email lists

a.     The committee co-chairs shall coordinate the collection and maintenance of the chapter email list and ensure it is current.

b.     The co-chairs, in coordination with the committee members and Executive Board, shall maintain the chapter web site and keep it current and relevant.

c.     The committee may choose to elect a web-coordinator from the committee with the approval of the Executive Board.


This committee, co-chaired by the Chapter Vice-Presidents, shall:

1.     Plan and host chapter meetings;

2.     Commemorate, on the Association’s behalf, events in members’ lives, such as serious illness, bereavement, retirement;

3.     Propose, publicize, and make recommendations for scholarships, awards, and honors on behalf of this chapter; and

4.     Any additional outreach that the Executive Board


1.     The President shall recommend and the Executive Board establish such task forces as are deemed appropriate for the effective functioning of the SBCCDTA;

2.     The term of such task forces shall be limited by time and/or task, up to one year; task forces may be renewed by the Executive Board at the request of the President or Officers.

3.     Task Forces shall be formed when an immediate investigatory or procedural need exists that warrants special consideration outside the purview of the standing committees.

4.     Task forces shall be limited to a one-year duration; however, the Board shall review the work of all task forces and choose to extend the duration by another year.


XI. Amendments

A.     These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Active members as follows:

1.     By an election following appropriate election guidelines;

2.     At a regular or special meeting of the Association provided notice in writing of a proposed bylaw amendment has been submitted to the President and made available to all Active members at the meeting preceding the one at which it is to be voted upon.

3.     The Executive Board shall review and revise the chapter governance documents at least every three years to ensure adherence to CTA/NEA policies and procedures;

4.     Any Active member may present an amendment to the bylaws; members are advised to work with the Executive Board to consider and, if appropriate, integrate changes;

B.     A draft of the bylaw changes shall use a format of bolded additions and strikethrough deletions; a draft of the bylaws shall be sent to the membership at least one week prior to the election date.



Bylaws Archive

PDF of Previous SBCCDTA Bylaws (replaced in May 2017)

I. Name and Location
II. Purpose
III. Affiliation
IV. Membership
V. Dues, Fees, and Assessments
VI. Policy-Making Body & Meetings of the General Membership
VII. Executive Board
VIII. Terms and Duties of Officers and Board Members
IX. Elections
X. Committees and Task Forces
XI. Amendments
Bylaws Archive
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