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Here at SBCCDTA, we are proud to be involved in efforts to improve the lives of instructors and their families. By fighting for legislative improvements and bargaining for fairer labor agreements, we continuously strive to raise work standards and improve quality of life.

Dealing with the labor challenges of today requires solidarity, foresight, and the will to fight for what is right. SBCCDTA emerged out of the need for worker representation and the desire for collective actions to speak louder than individual words. We’re an organization driven by progressive ideas, bold actions, and a strong foundation of support.



Ratified May 2018.


Pushing Forward


Common Questions


The How and Why

Executive Board
Image by Christina @

The San Bernardino Community College Teachers Association uses the power of collective bargaining to negotiate wages, benefits, and working conditions for faculty, to support them as they provide quality education for all students.




Negotiations Team Member

District Wide


District Wide

Alicia Hallex

Alicia Hallex

Full-Time Representative

Valley College



Part-Time Representative

Crafton Hills College

Grievance Representative

Crafton Hills College


Vice President/Lead Negotiator

Negotiations Team Member

Valley College


District Wide

Kenneth Lawler


Kenneth Lawler

Full-Time Representative

Valley College

Devin Bennet

Devin Bennet

Part-Time Representative

Valley College

Vice President

Crafton Hills College

Ed Ferrari

Ed Ferrari

Full-Time Representative

Crafton Hills College

Ryan Bartlett

Ryan Bartlett

Full-Time Representative

Crafton Hills College

Grievance Representative

Valley College

Part-Time Faculty

Part-time faculty should receive pro-rata pay and benefits and compensation for professional activities and faculty development. Part-time faculty must have paid office hours; office and storage space; health benefits; computer and e-mail access, and full due process/reassignment rights.

Quoted from CTA Issues & Actions

Would you like to see more part-time representation to help fight for these issues? We would too!

Please contact us if you would like information on active roles within the union.

Q and A

Union Questions And Answers

Have a question that is not addressed here? Please use our Contact Us form to let us know.

Does a part-timer continue to move up the seniority list while on maternity leave or do they stay stagnant (keeping the same year of seniority even though they are on protected leave e.g. staying at 4 years when the rest of the employees are hired at the same time move to 5 years)?

They continue to move up.

What is the process for starting maternity leave?

Call HR and talk to Janae Jacoby, You do not have to contact anyone else. She will take care of it. However, it is probably a good idea to talk to your chair to let them know, as a courtesy.

Membership Myth: All faculty can vote in an election.

All faculty (FT and PT) are potentially eligible, when the bargaining unit brings something to a vote. Which types of issues require a vote? Examples include elections for Executive Board positions or ratification of a tentative agreement resulting from bargaining (e.g., involving wages, benefits, other contract language, etc.). However, only active members shall be permitted to vote. Furthermore, PT and FT members have equal representation (one person = one vote), so every vote really does count. In order to become active and exercise your right to vote, you must fill out a membership form. If you have not received your CTA membership card for the current academic year, please let us know right away, because it is likely that you are not an active member. Keep in mind, that membership becomes active on the date you sign the form. This means that if you do not receive a ballot for a particular election, then contact us immediately so that you can apply for membership and be permitted to cast a vote.

Can I be represented by the union in a meeting with management?

In 1975, U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the ‘Weingarten’ case, that employees have the right to representation in a meeting that they (the member) believe could lead to disciplinary action. Should members ever feel that they are in such a meeting with a supervisor, they should say something like this,

“If my response to your questions could lead to my being disciplined, I request union representation at this meeting, and that the meeting be postponed until my union representative arrives.”

Once members have made this request their supervisor has two options:

Wait for the union representative to arrive. Call off the interview and proceed with the investigation without the benefit of the employee’s input. (source: Actually, there is a third option. The supervisor can ignore the member’s request for representation and continue the meeting even though this violates a member’s rights. If this occurs members should understand that leaving the meeting could be seen as an act of insubordination. Before continuing the member should declare,

“I want you to understand, I am attending this meeting under duress so as not to be seen as insubordinate, but as soon as I finish this meeting I will contact my union representative to seek legal action against the district.”

There are others nuances to Weingarten, but the ability of union members to receive support and representation from their union is not negotiable. If a member ever feels uncomfortable about the course a meeting is taking they should stop the meeting and invoke their Weingarten rights.

To learn more about the Weingarten decision and your rights as an employee visit these links on the Community College Association (CCA) website 

Or contact a member of the executive board.

How do I get an email account?

As part of our move towards online voting, a email account will be created for every member. There will always be some lag times between becoming a member and receiving the member email account, but the intent is to create this accounts as quickly as we can. If you are unsure if you have an account contact your SBCCDTA Vice President (SBCCDTA VPs are the union’s membership chairs) Your college’s SBCCDTA VP should be able to answer any of your membership questions, including questions about email accounts.

How many peer evaluations am I required to do?

A question that is asked by many members around the middle of the semester is, “how many evaluations am I required to do?” This question arises as peer evaluations are set up by the Academic Senate, Department Chairs, and Deans. The answer is found in Article 16, Evaluations Procedures.

From Article 16, 2, f.

“A unit member, other than Department Heads, shall not be required to participate in more than two peer reviews per year unless the unit member so agrees. A unit member, other than a Department Head, shall not be required to serve as a peer reviewer during any semester when he/she is being evaluated unless the unit member so agrees.”

Does maternity leave count as part of the 2 missed semesters even though it is covered under FMLA?

No, it does not.

Membership Myth: I don’t really think I need the membership benefits.

One of the most important benefits of being an active member is the Educators Employment Liability insurance (up to $1,000,000), which is an automatic benefit at no extra cost and begins the date you sign the membership form. Every CTA member receives coverage for legal defense costs in lawsuits arising out of his or her educational employment activities. Fee-payers receive extremely limited protection. Other CTA benefits and NEA benefits are also available.

Membership Myth: I’m a PT faculty, so the union doesn’t really value my membership.

The part-time faculty voice does matter. SBCCDTA is a wall-to-wall unit, which means ALL faculty (PT and FT) are bargaining unit members. Another benefit of being an active member is the right to vote in union elections at the local, state, and national levels (one person, one vote). At the local level, we hold elections for positions on the Executive Board, and ratification votes for our collective bargaining agreement. Both the District and the union have opened articles in the contract this year, and negotiations have begun. If you are not an active member, then you miss the opportunity to vote!

I don't have or forgot my email address/password. What do I do?

What is SBCCDTA Email?

As part of our move towards online voting, a email account has been created for every active member. Non-members do not receive a union email account.

SBCCDTA completely controls our domain and, therefore, these email accounts have the following advantages over other email accounts:

  • An SBCCDTA email account will NEVER be offered to a 3rd party for marketing purposes

  • Each account has unlimited storage (limits have been set initially but can be changed by requesting more storage space)

  • Accounts are not tied (in any way) to district servers (district can’t snoop on your email)

  • It’s easy to forward your sbccdta email account to another email account

Once on maternity leave how does a part-time instructor use differential pay?

Baby Bonding: Instructors can use 50% pay for 12 weeks of baby bonding time. In order to be eligible for Parental Leave/Baby Bonding, an employee must meet the eligibility criteria which is that they are employed with the District for one year and have a signed contract for all of the covered weeks (i.e. sign up for classes). (*There are no eligibility criteria for the disability portion/Pregnancy Disability).

Maternity Disability: In general, there is no coverage for maternity disability. This is the time mothers take off at the end of the pregnancy and after birth. The disability portion of leave is dictated by the physician. Pregnancy disability begins the day the physician places you off work through the date that you are recovered from childbirth. A typical example would be 2 weeks prior to delivery through 6 weeks after delivery (vaginal birth) or 8 weeks after delivery (c-section). If you are higher on the pay scale than your replacement during this time, then you would get the difference. 

Membership Myth: Why hurry? Membership forms take a long time to process.

You become an active member as of the date you sign the form. Which means you are eligible to receive the benefits of membership beginning on the date you sign the form. We send the information to CTA within a day or two of receiving your completed application, and it typically takes CTA a few weeks to process the application and send you your membership card.

How do I apply for membership?

How to get a membership form:

  1. Get a membership form either contact your campus Vice President or get an online form.

  2. Complete the form

  3. Return the form to your campus Vice President or another member of your Executive Board.

  4. A signed copy of the form and your union card will be mailed to your home address.

How do I access my email account? email accounts can be reached using any web browser.

To access your account, find the SBCCDTA Email ‘LOGIN HERE’ link in the right menu of virtually all web pages (including this one). Note: You can also go straight to the login screen by going to

What are the consequences of exercising my contract rights?

Unfortunately, many employees believe that standing up for their rights might result in some kind of reprisal or retaliation from an administrator or the District. Members are protected against this kind of action by the Educational Employees Relations Act (EERA).


The language referring to this right to exercise our rights as members of a union is found in the Non-Discrimination article of our contract: Specifically, Article 7B, which reads,


“The District and/or the Association shall not legally impose or threaten to impose reprisals on employees, to discriminate or threaten to discriminate against employees, or otherwise to interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees because of their exercise of rights guaranteed by the EERA.”

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