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Negotiations update November 15, 2021

Updated: Feb 27, 2022

Signed MOUs:

  • Remote work MOU was extended into spring 2022

  • Allowance for cameras in hy-flex classrooms; previously cameras were not permitted in classrooms. Managers cannot require you to submit a recording for your evaluation. We do not recommend volunteering a recording for evaluation purposes to either a manager or a peer. Any live observation, including Zoom, is acceptable.

Opened Articles Currently Being Negotiated:

  • Article 2: Unit Description/Recognition – The district passed a proposal that would allow all managers to teach, and managers who teach would be added to faculty seniority lists. SBCCDTA is opposed to this proposal, and we are requesting member feedback. We believe that there are many adjunct instructors available in the pool who should be given priority to teach these courses. Please contact your campus representative or a member of the Negotiations Team to provide feedback.

  • Article 10: Wages – We agreed on 28 cells that will be used to compare our district with our comparison colleges. The negotiations team completed the research of our comparison colleges’ pay for those 28 cells for full-time faculty, as well as the hourly rates for part-time faculty. We have not yet passed a proposal on this but plan to December or January.

  • Article 13: Workload – We continue negotiations for lecture-lab parity and class size; we are waiting on counterproposals from the district. We opened items related to remote work and have not yet passed a proposal.

  • Article 16: Evaluations – We examined the tenure review process and the makeup of the Tenure Review Committee. We also passed a proposal on improvement plans for faculty who do not receive a “satisfactory” evaluation. We are still negotiating evaluation tools for non-instructional areas without student contact. We contacted faculty who would potentially be affected and will continue to communicate with them.

Currently, the focus for negotiations has been working through the vaccination mandate. There are no updates yet, but hopefully some information will be provided soon. The district’s implementation date is still planned for January 7, 2022.

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