To account for the Covid-19 emergency, we have signed several MOUs with the District, including: the initial Covid-19 MOU on March 16 to expire on June 30, 2020, an amended version on March 19 to clarify non-instructional work, an MOU for SBVC counselors to permit them time for training to prepare for the online platform, and a Covid-19 Summer extension through August 7, 2020 to cover the Summer sessions.
In addition, an MOU was signed to cover the effect on negotiations, including a 2-year extension of our collective bargaining agreement until June 30, 2022.
MOUs for Full-Time Health Benefits and Part-Time Health Benefits have been signed.
Librarian workload
The following topics are still being negotiated
Please note that the word "Passed" means that these have been given (passed to) SBCCD to review, not that they have been voted on. We realize this language can be confusing, but it is the common language of negations. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
We have passed proposals to the District on the topics of Classification Advancement, Compensation for Stacked Honors Sections, Compensation for Learning Communities, Preparation for Distance Education, and Lecture, Lab, Clinical Parity.
For Article 16: Evaluations, we have provisionally agreed with the District on the first section of Article 16.
The District has passed a counterproposal to us for Article 16: Evaluations (second section) to us.